The Top 5 Ways To Soothe Yourself When You’re Feeling Stressed

Just pause for a moment, before you continue reading, and consider, how stressed are you feeling? I’ll give you a minute. How does your body feel? Tense? Is your heart racing? Is your brain foggy? Do you feel exhausted? Then you might be feeling stressed. How are you behaving? Are you irritable? Rushing around? Snappy?Continue reading “The Top 5 Ways To Soothe Yourself When You’re Feeling Stressed”

5 Proven CBT Tools That Help Mums With Anxiety

It’s normal to experience anxiety from time to time. We all do. Mums with anxiety read on for support. For some, you might notice you feel anxious before starting a new job, having a difficult conversation or becoming a parent for the first time and not knowing what to expect, however these feelings quickly passContinue reading “5 Proven CBT Tools That Help Mums With Anxiety”

12 Soothing and Essential Ways To Make Christmas Less Stressful

How are you feeling about this holiday season? Excited? Joyful? Apprehensive? Anxious? Stressed? Overwhelmed? And here’s the thing, hopefully there’s a bit of the first two feelings jingling around your body, but if you’re like most modern-day parents, then you might also be feeling a lot of the latter as you hurtle towards the bigContinue reading “12 Soothing and Essential Ways To Make Christmas Less Stressful”

How to set (and stick to) gentle boundaries that work

Why gentle boundaries work The theory around attachment styles and how important a child’s attachment to a primary care giver is for their emotional and physical wellbeing isn’t new (check out Bowlby’s work around 1958). But more and more are now realising the importance of the attachment within their parenting. And reaping the benefits. Attachment-basedContinue reading “How to set (and stick to) gentle boundaries that work”

How to find time for me when the kids aren’t at school

Parenthood is demanding. Juggling life, work, friends, family and trying to carve out a few minutes a week just for you. It can all seem like an impossible task. Often what gets neglected is time for you. And a little self care is often overshadowed by the constant list of chores, playdates and dinners.  JustContinue reading “How to find time for me when the kids aren’t at school”

I don’t enjoy being a mum like I thought I would. What can I do?

Most people have an idea of what they think parenthood will look like. And it was probably a lot less frustrating, messy and tiring. In reality, every mum will go through hard times, every mum will struggle and many will wonder why they don’t enjoy parenthood the way they expected to. Whether you’re a seasoned mumContinue reading “I don’t enjoy being a mum like I thought I would. What can I do?”

How to stay calm when your kids won’t listen

Have you been there? You’ve asked your little one to get their shoes on. The second time you asked, you were still relatively calm. By the third time you’re starting to feel a bit annoyed. And when you had to ask the fourth time, you lost every ounce of patience you had. And shouty mama cameContinue reading “How to stay calm when your kids won’t listen”

How to talk to your child about death & dying

It’s tempting to try and avoid the topic of death with our children as even for us adults death can be overwhelming and difficult to talk about. Many parents think that talking about death might scare or upset their children or they just aren’t clear on how to go about having this kind of sensitiveContinue reading “How to talk to your child about death & dying”

Why your emotions overwhelm you

Did you ever get taught how to manage your emotions, or how to recognise them when they come up? Chances are the answer is no. Emotional literacy skills don’t get taught at school, even at a higher level like university. So this kind of emotional education has to be sought out through reading and specificContinue reading “Why your emotions overwhelm you”

Breaking free from the constraints of your past

This is a blog about how CBT works to help you improve the way you feel (wrapped up in a story about watermelons).. Have you heard of square watermelons?! These are your bog-standard round watermelons that have been grown within a glass box. This was a trend started in Japan and as the watermelon grows,Continue reading “Breaking free from the constraints of your past”

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